More Tips about Lisbon! Part II

A very interesting Palace that can be visited in Lisbon often ignored, is the
“Palace of Fronteira”!

The Palace and the gardens were built by the first Marquis, around 1670 in the outskirts of Lisbon as a hunting pavilion. Influenced by the Italian Renaissance Architecture it is also very Portuguese namely in the layout of the grounds and the use of decorative Tiles! And this tiles are wonderful!!!!!

You will see Tiles everywhere, their scale varies from whole walls to tiny panels, they are polychromatic and blue and white. They are Portuguese Tiles, Spanish or Dutch, their themes from leamed to popular satire. In the XVIII century a new aisle was built by the fifth Marquis, because the earthquake of 1755 totally destroyed the Palace in downtown Lisbon. We can only imagine how would be the Lisbon palace…The plasterwork was totally redone in rococo style.
3 words to describe the Palace: Outstanding, Original, Valuable!

Lx Factory:
The transformation of an old factory located in the Alcântara neighborhood in 2007, led to a very interesting project: formerly a mill and printing-house, it now lodges several design, photography, marketing, architecture offices, shops and more than 20 restaurants. This original and trendy place allies labour with leisure, and ais also the home for trendy cafes, restaurants, and bookshops such as “Ler Devagar” (“Read Slow”) considered one of the 20 most beautiful bookstores of the world.

On Sundays, you will find an interesting street market (LX Market) in the main street of the complex: artworks, craftworks, old memorabilia are at display for a morning stroll. It is a program much loved by young families, where many also enjoy the “brunch”.

I had lunch at “1300 Taberna”, and eat a good succulent hamburger, but you will find many other restaurants with good food and original, informal and a trendy decor!

It´s a good place for foreigner travelers and for Portuguese, who want to eat well, shop originally and have a good Time!


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